Saturday, February 10, 2007

Image Essay #1

There is use of curvilinear design in this fan art of Haku in his dragon form from Spirited Away, one of the anime movies directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It fits well from the way his tail is curved. Also the way the tail is curved adds a little depth to the picture. Haku is also the most dominate form on the page on the page and is the focal point, also known as the area of focus in the image. Haku is the first thing the viewer would notice over the clouds in the background. Also he overlaps the clouds. The image is asymmertical. Not all of the lines have the same density. Such as the outline around Haku is denser than the outine around his scales. His scales are a pattern with only a few breaks in the pattern. One can see the texture clouds and they look every accurate. So they must have been pretty well referenced, which is true to the nature of Miyazaki's work, since in his movies everything animated from fire burning to how a cat moves is referenced from the real thing. The image is kind of dynamic becuase the postion Haku is in and the background suggest that he is flying through the air.

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