Sunday, February 25, 2007

Image Essay #7

The artist makes good use of texture in this piece. The textures used are to give the image the look of a star field with some nebula. It is almost like an abstract version of photo from a NASA satellite. Even though it is not that realistic, it makes one think of a starry night sky. If one looks closely at the piece the backgrounds kind of looks like an area of grass at night. The image also makes me think of Final Fantasy X, because when one looks closely the stars kind of look like pyreflies. The texture looks like it could be that of some sort of fabric. There does not seem to be a dominate shape in the composition. If there is any dominance it would probably be in the brightness level of certain stars. Also the way the stars are positioned in a way that leads the viewer off the page. The focal point seems to be the brighter stars that form a triangle shape. Then from there the viewers eye kind of dart around the page. There is a lot of repetition in the shape of the stars. But overall it looks like the piece was referenced well.

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